Posted by: spiritedwarrior | February 17, 2012

How to Find Your Authentic Self

How to Find Your Authentic SelfDo you often find yourself running around, juggling different balls and trying desperately to keep them all up in the air?

… If so then you are not alone!

In this hyper-active, information filled world, each and everyone of is being stretched by the demands placed on us by others… as well as by the high expectations we often create for ourselves!

For a long time I have noticed amongst my private coaching clients that the number one key challenge that most of them face is how to avoid getting caught in distractions that drain their life energy (Chi) and take them away from focusing that same energy on realising their highest life goals and dreams.

Now you may know… the Chinese were very wise people! For centuries they learned and passed down methods of harnessing and sustaining the vital life-force energy, that enabled them to live long, rich and fulfilling lives.

So in this Blog post I’m beginning a series of short very practical exercises starting with ‘How to Find Your Authentic Self’ which will help you reclaim your energy, take back your power and ‘Chase the Chi’ in your life.

Empowerment Practice #1:  Life-Force Flows Where Authenticity Goes

‘To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world
tells you you ought to prefer,is to have kept your soul alive.’


Are you being truly authentic in your life?

Are you living in alignment with your highest values and taking steps towards fulfilling your Life Purpose on Earth?

Just like a mountain stream, our life-force energy flows along the path of least resistance. When we try to please others, when we give in to other people’s expectations of us, or even when we act in ways that are incongruent with our integrity – then we dissipate and drain our Chi.

A powerful exercise that I have just developed and have started doing myself is what I call ‘Authenticity Mapping’ that will help you find your authentic self.

So here is how it works…

  1. Take a sheet of paper out and place it in landscape layout
  2. In the middle of the sheet write the question “Who am I at the core of my soul when I am living at my highest and best?”. Then place a circle around it.
  3. As you ask yourself this questions write down your responses as single branches stemming from the circle (a mind map). See if you can identify at least 10 unique traits.
  4. For each trait reflect back on your life and see if you can identify an experience or story where you powerfully demonstrated that attribute, and place these as sub-branches of each element.
  5. Finally look back at each trait and circle the 3 that if you embraced them fully and completely would give you more energy, more fulfillment and help you realise your highest life purpose.
  6. Now for each of these 3 top traits identify at least 1 action or behaviour that you can implement or take this week … and then go out and do them!
  7. Keep a copy of your Authenticity Map with you in your journal, your computer and even your phone. Reflect on it in the morning or even before you go to bed.
  8. So as you learn how to find your authentic life, make sure to ‘act as if’ and begin to live each day as though it were already your ‘highest and best’!

Stay tuned over the next few days … as I share some other simple practices in this series that will help you connect more powerfully with your soul, get more out of life, and have more life-energy to do what you truly love!

Les Price - The Greatness ConnectionTo Your Greatness!

Les Price

Posted by: spiritedwarrior | September 25, 2011

5 Easy Ways to Develop Your Intuition


Have you been listening to your intuition (‘inner-tuition’) lately??

Well last week a number of people from around Australia and overseas took me up on the “M&M’s Intuition” challenge.

I was also personally overwhelmed with the concern that many of you had for the remaining M&M’s that weren’t used in the experiment. Were they eaten? Were they abandoned to some cold, dark, corner of the pantry?? Or were they feeling the pain of rejection after having missed out on a photo-shoot and a chance for publicity and fame??

Well… to put you at ease… the left-over M&M’s are safe and being are getting ready to be eaten… As for those in the experiment… well here’s another photo of them in all their magnifience and glory…

As you can see:

  • The colour of the M&M’s was BLUE
  • The number of M&M’s in the glass was 4+ 7
  • The 4 letter word was indeed LOVE

So congratulations to Gwen Thompson from Melbourne who replied with the closest combination of – the word LOVE, numbers 8 + 7 and the colour yellow. You have won yourself a copy of the Unleash Your Inner-Brilliance Audio pack as well as The 5 Masterkeys for Becomming Magnetic to Money CD.

5 Easy Exercises to Improve Your Intuition…

Below I’ve shared 5 easy little activities that you can do on a daily basis to connect more powerfully with your intuition. Some of them may seem obvious… but you would be surprised just how many people get caught up in the ‘busy-ness’ of life that we forget to even take these simple steps..

Practice them on a regular basis … and allow your inner-guidance to lead your way…

1. Check Your Inner-Message Service Daily

In the same way that we receive emails and SMS/Text messages – your spirit is always trying to get your attention and pass on messages to you. So take a moment now, close your eyes, get quiet, enter into the stillness within your heart and imagine a desk there. What messages are waiting for you? You may see a notepad, sticky notes, maybe an object, shape, or see there is a voicemail on your inner-message machine.

2. Take Your Decisions for a Test Drive

Your intution and imagination are very powerful. If you have a decision to make then imagine the two alternatives. Step into the first option, imagine it in your mind. What do you see? feel? hear? sense? believe? Now travel 10 minutes in time and check in again. Now travel 10 days? How do you feel now? Now 10 years? What is the consequence of having made that choice/decision. If you feel lightness, peace and joy then trust yourself. If you feel fear, hestiation or contraction then this may not be the best choice!

3. Just Ask!

Remember the old bible saying “Ask and you shall receive”??

Well …you would be surprised how many people never ask their intuition for help or guidance. Can you trying to climb Mount Everest with a guide who has done the climb many times – yet you never ask them for help??

So… when you ask – ask specifically, ask without expectation, ask without projecting fear or emotion, and ask like you expect to receive an answer!

4. Sway … Not Just a Dean Martin and Michael Buble Cover!

Your body is a magnificent energetic vessel. In any moment that you ask it a question – it will give you an immediate answer… so why not get your body to speak to you?

For this exercise we are going to train your body to be a giant pendulum, so make sure your body is well hydrated with water.  Find an area where you can stand up and have plenty of room to move. This process works best if you can face north. Close your eyes and tell your body you want it to give you a clear signal for YES – by swaying forward. No ask it to give you a signal for NO by swaying backward. Now test it by stating “I am a male/female” – and wait for it to sway and give you an answer. When you have done this – you have trained your body and your unconscious to help guide you.

If you find your body is confused or you get conflicting answers – check in to see whether you are really being open with your question – or if in fact you are asking a loaded or leading question – hoping to get the answer you want!

5. Use the Kitchen Sink!

I love this little exercise by intuition expert Sharon Klinger (author of Intuition and Beyond). In fact I used it today and it gave me a big breakthrough in a belief system that was creating internal conflict. Hopefully it helps you!

Close your eyes and imagine that your life is like a liquid pouring out of the tap of a kitchen sink in front of you. What colour is the liquid? What does the sink and tap look like? How would you describe the flow or lack of flow? Put the plug in the sink and allow the sink to fill. Does it fill all the way? Just a little? Is it leaking? Is it easy to fill or a struggle?

Now place your hands in the liquid. Immerse yourself in it. How does it feel? Are you happy with it? Is the consistency right? Do you want to stay in it or wash it off??

This exercise will give you some great insight into the patterns and attitudes that are currently appearing in your life!

I hope you enjoy this fun little exercises? Make sure to post your comments on the blog to let us know how you found them!

To Your Greatness,

Les Price

Les Price is a speaker, author, coach and intuitive with over 18 years experience in business, personal and spiritual development.

As a trained Executive/Business/Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Intuitive he has presented programs to audiences in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and Asia.

Based in Melbourne he is the founder of The Greatness Connection a global community that assists individuals and business owners to realise their goals in an enlightened and visionary way.

Posted by: spiritedwarrior | September 14, 2011

Take the M&M’s Intuition Challenge!

So Here’s a Simple Intuition Test for You to Take Right Now …

We all have access to an amazing internal GPS system – known as our intuition. But how many of us really listen to it… and trust it…right?

So… I’ve created a fun little test that everyone around the world who receives this email can participate in…

Right now I have placed a wine glass on my office table that has been filled with a certain number of M&Ms (between 1 – 100).

The M&M’s I have placed in the glass are just one colour. And I have also written a simple four-letter word in M&Ms.

Using your intuition …

a)  See if you can determine the correct number of M&M’s I have in the glass
b)  Identify what colour they are
c)  And see if you can pick up what the four letter word is

Then email me your reply within the next 48 hours to 
(Makesure to place “M&M Intuition Test” in the Subject Line).

To help “tune in” your intuitive and remote sensing ability I have placed a photo of the glass and its environment (below) and in fairness to all – I have covered both the glass and the word!

The person with the most accurate answer will WIN both an Unleash Your Inner Brilliance 3CD audio program and The 5 Master Keys to Becoming Magnetic to Money CD program (total valued at $97).

We’ll be announcing the winner at The Greatness Connection Networking morning on Saturday 17th September and via email next week… so good luck!

To Your Greatness,

Les Price

Posted by: spiritedwarrior | August 16, 2011

How NOT to Treat Your Customers!


Have you noticed lately how social media is changing the way the world thinks and acts?

From restaurant and hotel reviews to Youtube endorsements businesses across the world are starting to realise the immense power that even an individual customer’s feelings can have on their business.

So here is a real life story … that I came across recently was of a disenchanted country singer who had his custom built Taylor guitar (valued at over $5000 USD)  accidently broken by United Airline’s luggage handlers at Chicago O’Hare airport.

United refused to admit liability and so after month’s of waiting  Son’s of Maxwell singer/songwriter Dave Carroll penned a ‘not too complimentary song’ about United Airlines and posted it on the Internet.

The result…

United Breaks Guitars became a YouTube sensation and provided Dave Carroll with the biggest hit of his career. The song which chronicles his year-long battle with United Airlines has now had over 10 million+ views.

Once the video appeared and became a YouTube hit, United sat up and took notice. It offered to pay the cost of repairing his guitar and flight vouchers worth $1,200, however he refused and told the airline to donate the sum to charity.

Instead he now speaks as a ‘Customer Service’ specialist to big businesses… has signed record deals for his other songs… has a book deal in the making and from what we understand now receives free travel from United Airlines – who to this day cannot get over the embarrassment and damage that this has created for their brand and stock price!

Best of all … Bob Taylor of Taylor Guitars personally telephoned, offering two guitars of Carroll’s choice and props to use in a second video!

Watch the video here…

Posted by: spiritedwarrior | August 16, 2011

Life Lessons from Lady Gaga


You may be aware that the highly controversial but very talented Lady Gaga graced the shores of Australia last month.

Apart from incorrectly mistaking Julia Gillard to be a lesbian on A Current Affair (probably the result of Tracy Grimshaw refering to Tim Mathieson as Julia’s ‘partner’), Gaga put on some quite remarkable performances including the $1,000,000+ performance for just 1000 of her fans at Sydney Town Hall.

Watch Gaga being interviewed and you begin to notice that behind the make-up, outrageous costumes and skimpy  fashion is a very smart and intelligent woman.

Importantly I think Gaga has some very important lessons to share with current generations – especially the young – and surprsingly many of these messages are quite !

So after watching numerous performances and several late night MTV interviews … here’s what I learnt from Gaga…

1) You Have to Be True to Yourself First

Gaga started performing from the very young age of 13. Always someone to follow the inner-calling of her own creative spirit she was never scared to ‘stretch the boundaries’ and wear clothes and make-up that represented who she was on the inside.

Rather than give into peer group pressure and conform – she chose to be authentic – to stand out and be truthful to who she ‘really was’. In high school she was bullied (like many of our young generation today) and was even attacked by some boys at her high school who told her she ‘woudn’t amount to anything’ and then threw her in a trash can.

What did she do? She got stronger – and used that experience to create even greater resolve that she would one day be a superstar.

2) Persistence Creates Rewards

Even with a great voice and a unique image Gaga was knocked back by many different record labels and producers. When she performed for them many of them said “I just don’t get it!”. Many of them wanted her to change her act, change her style, change her image, change her costumes.

What did she do? The same thing that Sylvester Stallone and Jim carey did she stayed true to herself, she kept knocking on doors, and most of all kept believing that her dreams could and would come true… one day… as long as she remained committed.

3) You Have to Live Your Passion

Gaga now travels the world sometimes visiting several countries in a week, performing to large sell-out audiences, and then going back to her hotel room to knit and sew her costumes!

Where does she get the energy? From loving what she does so much … that she could never call it work.

In fact Gaga’s was so passionate about her music that her first live piano and singing performance as a teenager went for 90 minutes without a break – and left the audience stupefied!

4) If It Ain’t Working …Pray

You may never think of Gaga as being someone who would be spiritual or religious – however the truth be known she is still a very avid practising Catholic to this day. Even after having had her ‘experimenting’ with drugs in the ealry days she has somehow found we all need to believe in something far greater.

To this day before every concert she and the rest of her band and performers pray before they go out on stage.

Listen to Gaga and you begin to realise that beneath the creative costumes, masks and wigs she is just a human being who has chosen to have an extraordinary experience while on Earth School.

Hopefully we can all take inspiration from the genius and talent within her – that is also in every one of us!

Posted by: spiritedwarrior | June 1, 2011

Why Are You Not Your Own Master?


I recently had a conversation with a close friend that totally cut to the core of my soul.

You know those moments when just when you think you have life figured out… and that small little voice within challenges you to take the next step?

So … this month I’ve put together a short video for you where I share 3 key principles I have discovered for embracing ‘Mastery’ on your journey to ‘Greatness’.

1) Discover how to ‘Take back your power’
2) Learn to be your own highest authority
3) Take the next step in faith!

Les Price is a speaker, author, coach and intuitive with over 18 years experience in business, personal and spiritual development.

As a trained Executive/Business/Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Intuitive he has presented programs to audiences in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and Asia.

Based in Melbourne he is the founder of The Greatness Connection a global community that assists individuals and business owners to realise their goals in an enlightened and visionary way.

Posted by: spiritedwarrior | June 1, 2011

How to Grow Your Business Through ‘Value-Added’ Relationships


I just recently came across an article about the CEO of a major US company who sets aside 2 hours each week on Sunday evenings to call and speak with customers that have had a bad experience with the company’s products or services.

Now… just think how you would feel if someone like a Steve Jobs at Apple, or Janine Ellis at Boost Juice or Richard Branson at Virgin called you up personally to apologise for a bad customer experience and see how they could retain your business??

The most successful business owners know that the ‘real money’ and ‘real success’ is never made on the first customer interaction, but on the back-end through repeatedly adding value to customers and building solid and enduring relationships.

Ultimately the aim of every business should be to create a stream of ‘raving fans’ – clients that are so satisfied with your service or product offering that they simply can’t wait to tell others about what you do.

Creating such relationships often takes time and trust yet there are some key things you can do today that will help set you apart from the 80% of your competition that are all to happy to deliver ‘mediocrity’ to their customers.

1.                  Write them a letter or send a card

It’s estimated that the average human in the western world is exposed to anywhere from 3000 – 6000 marketing messages each day. So how do you breakthrough the clutter and get noticed? By doing something different!

With the advent of the Internet, email, messenger and social media we have forgotten how to write simple letters and cards to people. In fact ‘direct mail’ has been decreasing for several years – yet smart marketers are continuing to mix up their promotional campaigns and send addressed mail. Why? Because it stands out!

Best of all if you haven’t got time to send clients cards – then get onto where you write all you want online and they send out your personalised card by mail for you.

2.                It’s the little things that really count!

I recently received an SMS text message from a practitioner that I had been seeing to wish me a happy birthday. It was a simple gesture but it made a real impact on me, because here was someone I had only seen for a few sessions who had taken time to message me – when some of my own closest friends didn’t even remember!

 3.               Create opportunities to connect powerfully

Several years ago we won a handful of tickets to a major comedy venue. Rather than take friends and family we decided to take some of our ‘best’ clients … ‘the raving fans’.

Not only did they love the night, but being in such a fun environment with some of our best clients raised our own personal energy and enthusiasm, and helped us better serve our clients.

And can you guess what the clients did when they got back their work, families and friends? That’s right … they couldn’t stop speaking about us.

4.                Decide on your  ‘moments of truth’

Several years ago Jan Carlson CEO of Scandanavian Airlines (SAS) coined the term ‘moments of truth’ – those immeasurable opportunities that we have in business where we connect with our clients and customers. By just focusing on improving these key moments Jan turned SAS from an airline on the verge of going into administration into one of Europe’s strongest performers.

A car dealer in northern Queensland also used this strategy to transform his business. He identified 42 ‘moments’ where he would connect with his clients after they purchased a new car. Some of these were simple emails, a letter, a magazine – but others were more creative such as sending the car a wrapped up present containing a bottle of oil for its first birthday!

Whatever you do …the key however is to make sure you are consistent.  If you offer tea & coffee to clients at your hair salon – then you had better offer it every time.

Les Price is a speaker, author, coach and intuitive with over 18 years experience in business, personal and spiritual development.

Based in Melbourne, Australia he is the founder of The Greatness Connection a global community that assists individuals and business owners to realise their goals in an enlightened and visionary way.

If you’re having challenges in this area and seriously want to accelerate your results in the area business or life, then make sure to give our office a call and organise a personal coaching session where we will work with you to help you:

  • Implement new strategies to quickly & effectively grow your business
  • Create greater alignment between your values, goals and higher purpose
  • Learn new ways to help streamline your life, business and performance

For more information email: events [at] or call 0414 298 203

Posted by: spiritedwarrior | April 26, 2011

Are You Thinking BIG?


I was recently reading an interesting book on wealth creation by an American pastor by the name of Al Jandl. In his book entitled ‘The Storehouse Principle’ he tells the story of how several years ago he met a colleague for lunch. While they were sitting down discussing their various church activities his colleague turned to him and said “Al, when you think of wood what comes to mind?”.

After some moments of hesitation he answered “Well, how about a wooden table?”. His friend then continued “When you think of rock what comes to mind?”. Again somewhat confused Al responded “Well maybe rocks on the driveway”.

 His friend responded…

 “But think about this! When God/The Creator/Universal Intelligence thinks of wood the result would be the formation of an amazing redwood forest, or even the Amazon Jungle. When God/The Creator/Universal Intelligence thinks rock what would be formed are the The Andes, The Himalaya or the Rocky Mountains.”

This story inspired me … because within it was a challenge to start thinking, dreaming and living a bigger life…

Here are just two examples of some amazing people who found the courage, strength and power to set a vision for their lives that most said was literally beyond themselves:

 Kurt Furnley – Paralympic Champion

In April 2010 Paralympic champion Kurt Furnley set a ‘Big Hairy Audacious Goal’. He decided that we was going to complete the notorious Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea.

Now, many people each year complete this treacherous and walk, so what was different and unique about Kurt’s attempt? The fact that he has been unable to use his legs since birth!

Kurt who was born without the lower section of his spine took on the narrow 96km route through the Papua New Guinea mountain jungle by crawling on his hands for 11 hours per day for each of the 12 days of the trek.

An amazing testimony when you consider that in April of the same year two fully-able Australians died within a week of each other while walking the same trail.

Watch this short video profile of Kurts inspirational journey…


Stefaan Engels – The Belgian Marathon Man

In the same year a 49 year old Belgian man by the name of Stefan Engles crossed the finish line on the final leg of his marathon race in Barcelona, Spain.

Plagued with severe Asthma as a child Engles was told by doctors that he should never do any sport.

Thousands of people each year do marathons. So what was different about Stefaan? The fact that after pounding roads across Europe and North America he set a new world record by completing an astonishing 365 marathons in 365 days!

So What Are You Aiming For?

Both Stefaan and Kurt understand how powerful our minds, body and spirit are when they are directed towards a specific intention.

Creating a life of greatness always requires us to step beyond the boundary thinking of our own fears and self-limitations, to embark on a journey of discovering how powerful we really are.

I love inspirational speaker Les Brown’s famous saying “Shoot for the moon and even if you miss it you’ll be amongst the stars.”

So make sure to start thinking like The Creator and set an expanded and BIGger vision for your goals, dreams, life, relationship and family.

Most of all remember …

Your soul puts no constraints on what you can achieve!

Les Price is a speaker, author, coach and intuitive with over 18 years experience in business, personal and spiritual development.

As a trained Executive/Business/Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Intuitive he has presented programs to audiences in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and Asia.

Based in Melbourne he is the founder of The Greatness Connection a global community that assists individuals and business owners to realise their goals in an enlightened and visionary way.

Posted by: spiritedwarrior | April 26, 2011

Top 7 Tips for Turning Fear into Power

  • Ask most people what the number one obstacle is that that holds them back from living the true life of greatness that truly deserve… and the answer will most likely be some form of FEAR.

So if FEAR is an inherent part of our growth and development while on ‘Earth School’ then how do we take it and transform it into a fuel that will powerfully move us forward to greater fulfilment, success and happiness?

Here are a couple of strategies that will help you connect with the real courage, strength and power of your higher-self and turn fear into POWER the next time it presents in your life…

 1.         Recognise Fear as a Sign of Your Growth

Rev. Norman Vincent Peale would often say “The moment you no longer experience fear or obstacles in your life then you had better get on your hands and knees and pray for some. Because the only people who don’t experience fear and obstacles are those who are buried 6 feet underground !”.

The reality is that everyone will experience fear as long as they are growing. There is always fear between the border of chaos and order. The moment we set a new goal, attempt something new we have never done before, or even make a simple change like setting boundaries and respecting ourselves then we are likely to experience fear.

Whenever I experience new fear in my life I repeat a statement I first learned from Susan Jeffers.  Simple in its words, this little statement is an affirmation of the great power and courage that is already present at the core of your soul…

 “Whatever happens I’ll handle it!”

2.         Change Your State

Several years ago I helped support a large seminar in Singapore where on the first night of the event we had participants from around the country perform a fire-walk. Of the 5000 people that took part there were around 10-15 people who ended up with some form of blistering or burns.  So why did the other 4985 not experience a thing?

Because they learned how to quickly and easily change their ‘state of being’.

Our body, mind, emotions and spirit are all interconnected in a dynamic cybernetic loop. Therefore the moment you change the way you use your body, the way you speak to yourself or your beliefs – then you instantly transform the way you feel. Changing your ‘state of being’ is one of the fastest ways to shift fear and limiting emotions.

So next time you experience some fear – quickly change the way you use your body. Stand-up if you’re sitting down. Go for a run. Do star jumps. Beat your chest and yell out like Tarzan (or Jane)!

Then powerfully affirm what you really want (not what you don’t want). 

3.         Tap Your Fear Away

For thousands of years the Chinese mastered the path to creating health and well-being. One of their greatest discoveries was the evolution of energy meridians and how we store blocked energy in our bodies.

Processes such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Thought Field Therapy (TFT) have used this basis to create a simple pattern where just by tapping on a series of energy points around your body you can release the limiting patterns that are held at the unconscious level. 

You can learn more about the basic tapping pattern here…


4.         Turn Your Fear into a Question

Fear has the ability the take our attention or focus and direct it to “what we don’t want” or “what we want to move away from”.  As we know – what ever we give our attention to will grow.

 Therefore if you’re facing some fear in your life then the first step is to:

a)      Acknowledge your feelings and the cause of the fear

b)      Identify what you are placing your focus, energy and attention on

c)      If what you are focused on is being driven by fear e.g. the need to create money so you have enough to pay     your  bills, trying to look good in front of others for fear that they may reject or not accept you etc.. Then you need to identify ‘what it is that you really want instead?’

d)      Create an affirmation of what you really want e.g. Making money excites me and energises me

e)      Finally turn your affirmation into a question e.g. What is it about me that creates & attracts money easily?

Your mind is a marvellous machine. Ask it an empowering question and it will give you empowering answers!

 5.                  Create Your Own ‘Circle of Power’

One of the techniques that has helped me the most when I speak or have to present in front of audiences, or in fact do anything that makes me uncomfortable is to use what I call the ‘Circle of Power’.

Before I get up on stage, make a cold call, go into visit a new business customer. I take an imaginary circle out of my pocket (my Circle of Power). I place it on the ground in front of me and then I physically step into it – at the same time standing the way I would if I was powerful confident, breathing the way would if I was powerful and confident, speaking to myself the way I would if I were powerful and confident.

Never underestimate the power of your imagination!

Having done this now for more than 10 years my circle is always energised and ready to go – and you can guess what happens to fear when I finally step on that stage and start engaging with the audience!

 6.                  Drop Through It

Every feeling is a powerful signal from your being that is guiding you in some way. Unfortunately many of us allow ourselves to identify and hold onto limiting emotions rather getting the lessons we are meant to learn from them and then moving on.

Someone once said “There is no fear or limitation in the mind of God”. If this is true then our fear are created by ourselves and on the other side of fear exists just pure love.

If you are dealing with a very intense fear or anxiety, a traumatic experience or emotion that is subsequent from abuse situations then it would be best to seek qualified professional help to facilitate your healing journey.

However, if you are dealing with a very mild fear and feel capable of facing it yourself, then rather than avoid it, take the time to sit still and go into it. Drop through the fear and ask what is beyond this. As you drop through the levels within the fear you will eventually come to a place of great peace, joy and love – the reality of who you are.

 7.         Just Do It

This might seem too obvious – but maybe Nike got it right – sometimes the fastest path to getting through fear – is to just do what we are putting off, procrastinating on or doubting within ourselves.

Remember on ‘Earth School’ there is no failure. There are no losers – just learners. We are here to ultimately ‘experience and experiment’.

So take a note out of the movie ‘Yes Man’ that stars Jim Carey and look at what you have been avoiding in life, what you have been saying ‘no’ to and instead start to find experiences and opportunities that you can instead embrace and say ‘Yes’ too!

If you are ready to break through fear and reclaim the power back into your life or business then give our office a call to organise a personal coaching or emotional freedom session. During this session we will work with you one-on-one to help you clear any limiting beliefs or patterns that may be controlling your life.

Email: events [at] or call 0414 298 203

Posted by: spiritedwarrior | March 27, 2011

Top 10 Tips for Doubling Your Productivity and Performance

Welcome back!

“How can I do more in less time?” has to be one of the most asked questions by my coaching clients and seminar participants.

But in this hyper-busy world it’s not always easy to find or even create the extra time in our business or lives to accomplish all that we want to do, and fulfil all that is important to us.

The reality is that each of us has the same 168 hours each week that is available to use as we please – no more and no less. So the real questions become “Am I making best use of the time I have”, “Am I focusing on what is truly most important to me?” and “Am I receiving the greatest possible return for the time I have invested?”.

So here are my top 10 strategies for helping you double your productivity and have more time for the people and activities you love!

 1.      Know What’s Most Important to You

It may sound simple, but the majority of people on our planet don’t really know what they want or what is most important to them in life, business and relationships. Your time, just like your money and energy will always get invested in the direction of your values. Watch where you spend your time and that often reflects what you unconsciously value.

So today take some time to consciously define what your top 5 values are in life and then keep them at the forefront of your day, week and month. As you do this your thoughts will lead to new actions that will in turn lead to new results.


2.      Focus on your core genius

All of the great leaders, entrepreneurs and successful individual of our time discovered their core gifting or area of genius and then found ways to dedicate themselves completely to mastery of that talent.

We each have one, two or three activities that we are great at and that bring us the greatest return on our time invested. Identify what these are and then focus on them intently.

 3.     Outsource all low-value activities

When you have identified your core areas of genius then it becomes important to outsource all other low-value activities. Mozart probably didn’t mow his own garden. Bill Gates doesn’t iron his own shirts or get involved in the bookkeeping for his business.

 4.     Get up an hour earlier

You would be surprised what can be accomplished with an extra hour each day. Even one hour per day soon equates to 365 hours over a year or the equivalent of an extra 9+ working weeks.

Just think what you could do with that time? Learn a new language, master an instrument, write a book, spend quality time with your children….

5.      Embrace the power of 5

At the end of each day make a note of what your top 5 ‘high value’ actions for the next day. Then each day endeavour to complete these 5 ‘high value’ actions.

The quality of the action and your intent will have the greatest impact. It’s far wiser to have a sharp axe and take 5 swings at a giant Red Gum tree each day than it is to spend a whole day chopping away with a blunt instrument!

 6.     Eat the ‘frog’

Brian Tracy in his book “Eat that Frog” talks about how important it is to begin your day by tackling what is often the ugliest, or most feared task on your ‘to do’ list.

Why? Because often we put off the difficult tasks which creates an attitude of procrastination. If however we complete the most challenging or difficult tasks first it gives us renewed energy and passion to complete the remaining items. Not only that – it also teaches resilience!

7.     Limit interruptions

Research has shown that it can take a person 20 to 40 minutes to resume full working capacity after they have been interrupted from a task. Managing your interruptions is a proactive approach to leading a more productive life.

Therefore look at ways to answer your emails, phone calls, sms only one or two times per day. Create or find an environment that allows you to work undisturbed. Also look at scheduling your work activities to 45min – 60min blocks which has been found to be the most effective for retention and performance.

8.      Apply the 2 minute rule

When ever you have an email, piece of paper, correspondence or request that passes your desk ask yourself the question – “Can I complete this in 2minutes?”. If the answer is yes don’t put it off for a later time, take the action straight away and make that phone call, send that reply, pay that bill, do that task…

 Just doing this will give you a new sense of power and freedom and will eliminate items from your to do list – as well as help reduce any paper piles you might be holding onto!

 9.     Stop doing it!

 I know the Nike tag line says ‘Just Do It’ but sometimes it helps us more if we just stop doing some things!

 We all have activities that either provide us very little return or value or that aren’t aligned to our highest goals, dreams and visions. Stephen Covey calls them the ‘not important and not urgent’ activities. If you did the exercise in strategy number 1 above you will have a good idea of what these are.

 Just stopping these low value or toxic activities can help you free up an immense amount of time!

 10.   Learn to say ‘No’

Someone once wrote a song ‘Sorry seems to be the hardest word…’ but in reality I believe the hardest word for a lot of people is saying ‘No’!

Learning to set clear boundaries and expectations with those around us is critical when it comes to leveraging and maximising our productivity.

Honour yourself first, rather than trying to satisfy other people’s expectations and urgent requests and needs that are not in alignment with your highest good. When you do you will send a very clear signal to the universe and to others that your life and time here on ‘Earth School’ is valuable and that you only accept and deserve the very best!

If you’re having challenges in this area and seriously want to accelerate your results and productivity in the area business or life, then make sure to give our office a call and organise a personal coaching session where we will work with you to help you:

  • Identify and clearly elicit your core values
  • Create greater alignment between your values, goals and higher purpose
  • Implement simple strategies to help streamline your life, business and performance
  • Transform procrastination and inaction into passionate and purposeful activity
  • Break-free from any unconscious patterns or limitations that may be holding back your success

    Email:  les [at] or call 0414 298 203

Les Price is a speaker, author, coach and intuitive with over 18 years experience in business, personal and spiritual development. As a trained Executive/Business/Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Intuitive he has presented programs to audiences in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and Asia.

Based in Melbourne he is the founder of The Greatness Connection a global community that assists individuals and business owners to realise their goals in an enlightened and visionary way.

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